


Product manuals

Manuals in the categories listed below are currently available online in Adobe Acrobat pdf format, for viewing and printing.

For manuals not listed here, contact us and we'll mail or fax a paper copy.

Technical notes

Technical notes on installation and use, cleaning, rotor replacement, alignment, and other useful topics are available in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.

Categories of TechNotes:

Valve applications

Schematic application diagrams for:

Part number search

Enter a complete VICI part number for a description and links to relevant pages.

Valve serial number locations

VICI maintains a record of each valve sold, based on the serial number stamped on the valve body. If you call us with this number, we can tell you the exact product number of the valve as well as when and to whom it was sold.


If you don't find help in any of the categories here, contact us and we'll be happy to answer your questions.